1. j.s.- hey jim, what do you think about keenan being famouse in skating?
j.g.- what a joke !
2. j.s.-who is more famouse in the skate world, you or keenan ?
j.g.- him of course dumb ass. but if i had help when i was 16 back in 93, 15 years ago, things would be different.
3. j.s.-are you pissed keenan is more famouse than you ?
j.g.- no,he should do more with hus life, like getting sacked on camera more.
4. j.s.- what do you think the future holds for you and keenan together ?
j.g.- im gonna visit him in jail, stupid drunk living in the past, getting it up the ass.
5. j.s.-is ther anyone you would like to thank ?
j.g.- um... (jimmy worships corner lord) i want to thank Ronnie bertino for putting me in the ATM video, and putting me after keenans trick and not putting his name in it. i love you mom R.I.P
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