1. kk- How old are you, and where did you grow up ?
rs- im 37, and i grew up in Passadena.
2. kk- would you ever considder bringing Jimmy into the bedroom with you and Michelle ?
rs- Only if he shaved a sweater vest into his chest.
3. kk- Any plans on becoming someones father ?
rc- No !
4. kk- What do you think Heime "crazy eye" is doing right now ?
rc- Probably getting drunk and trying to fast talk his way into some chicks pants.
5. kk- Tell me a funny drunk story.
rs- One knight i drank to many shots of whiskey and then tried to go fishing in the lake behind my house, i was so wasted i fell of the little fishing wall into the water.
6. kk- how were the blacks in Passadena ?
rs- Angry. and swinging from vines, they also had the crack market cornered.
7. kk- What do you think the punishment for a hit and run on a mexican is ?
rc- Cruelty to animals at best.
8. kk- Do you think youl ever get one of those fast neon motorcycles again ?
rc- No, mine wasnt neon by the way.
9. kk- What if Michelle divorced you and ran of with your male dog ?
rc- iwould turn into a country western star.
10. kk- How come jimmy Joey, and myself, wernt invited to you and michelles wedding, did you think we would cause a scene ?
rc- Knowone was invited to the wedding, we did it in Vegas, one friend flew in from Colorado to be a whittness.
1 comment:
thanks gypsy that was funny wee need to do part 2
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