This contest is who can remember the dumbest thing kyle has ever said, whoever sends in the best one wins. here is a list of examples, straight from Kyles mouth.
1. How old were you when you were fifteen ?
2. What are mineries ? (Memoirs).
3. They have post offices in Australia ?
4. Sorry, i wasnt listening, i was trying to throw rocks at my feet.
5. Dude, buttholes are so tight.
6. What game are you guys playing ?
7. Koston has a shoe ?
8. Dude, this night is gonna be such a good day !
9. This song is so long, Adam couldn't skate to a minute of it.
10. (were all playing Scrabble and Kyle lays down the letters M and O) "what is a MO" Kyle- Its the sound a fucking cow makes.
"going to college is for lawyers..are you gonna be a lawyer? then what's the point?"
were watching the Lion King one day and kyle said "I wonder if the animals in Africa really act like this in real life".
Just today we were talking about the Lion King. Kyle asked if anyone had it, then said, "If I had that, I'd own it."
He also called his hips his "waist bones" today.
I've even asked my self " What would Kyle do?" and I just really could not come up with a answer. I'm not really that smart.... I smoke a lot of pot
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