JS- Were you upset whene you saw another dude try to tailslide El Toro on youtube ?
DL- No, i would be stoked if he pulled it
JS- Remember back in the day in science class, when i showed that video of you trying to grind El Toro and all the students were watching in awe, and you were blushing like a strawberry ?
DL- I dont remember that but its probably true.
JS- Whats your favorite skate video and top 4 skaters ?
DL- My favorite local video is Green Puma Hat, and the top skaters are:
1. Chad Olson
2. Jack Stayle
3. Mikey Fishera
4. old Keenan, the one before he found alchahol and got fat.
JS- Are you stoked Obama won ?
DL- Heck no im not stoked, the only good thing about Obama winning, is that gun sales have increased.
JS- Whats it like living in san francisco and being a leader, having your own opinions and not being a follower ?
DL- People in S.F. are crazy, i wouldnt call myself a leader, i just like to think for myself and not being told what to do.
JS- So, are you gonna buy a gun ?
DL- I already got a few.
JS- If you could change anything in the world, what would it be ?
DL- Make everyone with AIDS live on an island.
JS- Who do you think has AIDS uot of everyone we know ?
DL- OH... Kevin Falahee !
JS- Jimmy once said he would hook up with Hillery Clinton, would you ?
DL- No, but id hook up with Palin.
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